Angharad Jones has scooped first prize at the “New Ways With Bramley 2004” catering competition.
The final, which took place at Westminster Kingsway College, London, saw Jones take the title for her Bramley apple and Amaretti Cheesecake.
The judging panel included Keith Burton, executive development chef at Sodexho, Dan Bignold from Caterer and Hotelkeeper magazine and Ian Mitchell, chairman of the Bramley Campaign. The panel commended Jones for her recipe, which they described as a deliciously fruit Bramley flavour, with melt in the mouth texture and beautifully presented.
Mitchell said: “Once again, the judging panel was impressed with the high standard of entries to the competition. The nine finalists demonstrated high levels of creativity and technical skill to create innovative, inspiring dishes that demonstrate Bramley’s unique taste and texture.
Jones received a prize of £1,000, plus an additional £500 which will go to their college. Runners-up prizes of £250 were awarded to Craig Hammond from Thanet College for his Bramley Pain Perdu, and to Jamie Bessant of Neath Port Talbot College for his Bramley Pannacotta.