A workshop for Producer Organisations (POs) to explore why scale is important in the fresh produce industry and how POs might work more closely together is being held by EFFP on 29 March.
The forum at DEFRA's offices provides an opportunity to hear from a European Association of Producer Organisations and to debate some of the options for collaboration.
Speakers include the European Food & Farming Partnerships' (EFFP) Duncan Rawson, who will discuss consolidation as an aid to competing in a global marketplace, the case for consolidation and an overview of the mechanisms used to achieve this.
Berrygardens will be in attendance to describe how they have achieved scale in production and sales and what this has delivered for their business and members.
EFFP's Liz Bowles will be discussing how to achieve consolidation within membership of the PO Scheme and FPJ editor Michael Barker will provide an overview of the Fresh Produce sector in the UK and Europe as well as taking part in a panel discussion.