Last year was a turbulent one for Netherlands based fruit and vegetable sales organisation Zon, as it announced a drop in turnover due to the lower price structure of Dutch asparagus, leeks and cucumbers.

Figures for last year revealed a drop in turnover of 4.7 per cent to e228.5 million, compared to e240m in 2001, despite the fact that the volume of produce remained identical.

During this time a total of 202 members ended their membership of the Zon co-operative.

On a more promising note, the integration of Zon Ornamental Plants and FloraHolland, which were announced in December 2001, became a reality in July creating a solid base for the continuation of plant activities in the Zon region.

The Zon cooperative board also met to decide its short and long-term future, finding there was still a need for a co-operative structure.

Based on this, Zon has decided to remain an open marketplace and expand its activities.

With around 500 customers who buy their fresh produce from Zon, the group will remain a sales organisation for producers of horticultural goods whose objective is to achieve long lasting benefits for its members.