Zon, the Dutch auction, has announced it achieved a turnover of 263 million euros in 2003, an increase of 15 per cent in 2002.
The success was put down to a number of developments. In 2003 Zon started the "Do the business with Zon" campaign, which targeted consolidating Zon's position as a sales organisation for fruit and vegetables of and for growers. As a result of the campaign, a group of growers are from Wieringermeer to co-operate closely with Zon in 2004.
Also, Zon Verkoopdiensten introduced the Webclock. This service allows buyers to purchase via the clock from their own offices, with the added benefit of speed and efficiency.
Elsewhere, Zon Verpakkingen was awarded ISO 9001 certification in 2003. Its assortment of disposable packaging was extended to included packaging for ornamental flowers and plants.
Zon expects to welcome around 40 new members in 2004. These newcomers come from all regions of the Netherlands and are producers of sweet peppers, asparagus, iceberg lettuce, chicory, leeks and fennel. It is thought the new members turnover will represent around 20 million euros.