Redbridge subsidiary Redeva has planted 16,000 strawberry seedlings since its launch on September 1. The soft fruit breeding and scientific research company has developed the new varieties with sister company and soft-fruit marketeer AFI Direct Sales.

The seedlings, being grown at designated facilities in Hull by Premier Plant Producers will be evaluated over the coming months to establish which will progress to the next stage in the search for viable commercial varieties.

The aim is to be able to release the most promising for consumer taste trials in 2003. And in line with its stated aims to develop fruit of excellent eating quality and flavour year round, Redeva is running trials in Spain, Egypt and Israel on material it has acquired the rights to through Redbridge.

'The whole concept of Redeva is exciting not just for us but for the whole berry industry,' said Ronnie McNicol, Redeva md. 'We have come up with a package that brings together the researcher, the technical adviser, the grower, the retailer and the consumer. The ambition is to make our new varieties of raspberries and strawberries so outstanding and popular that they become household names.'
