Tickleberries Juice

Public awareness of aronia berries is set for a boost after Tickleberries achieved Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) status.

Kent-based Guardtop, which grows aronia berries and produces 100 per cent aronia berry juice for owner Andrew Tickle’s Tickleberries brand, said SALSA approval would usher in a new chapter in Brits' awareness of the dark bush-grown berries.

Tickle began growing aronia berries on his farm in Sevenoaks in 2012 after taking inspiration from East Malling researcher Felicidad Fernandez’s paper on minor crops. He initially put 2,000 plants on a hectare of grade 3 land, following up with a further 2,000 in 2013.

He later launched his line of aronia juice, selling to the public via the internet.