Philippines bananas

Rebel fighters in the southern Philippines have accused a Japanese fruit export firm of forcibly taking lands from local farmers in order to expand its banana plantations, reports the Mindanao Enquirer.

The New People's Army (NPA) claims Sumitomo Fruits Philippines, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Japan, has taken over land in Mindanao – where it already grows bananas for export – with the help of official Philippine military and police.

The rebel army, which is fighting for the establishment of a Communist state in Mindanao, said Philippine security forces killed local farmer leaders opposed to the take-overs.

Rebels have vowed to fight for the rights of farmers in the areas earmarked by Sumitomo for banana plantation expansion. 

"Our Red fighters are duty bound to expose and oppose this land grabbing of our rich agricultural lands by rapacious multinational companies," a rebel spokesman said.

Sumitomo Fruit Corporation is the second biggest player in the Philippines' banana export business after Dole Stanfilco, the report said. 

The NPA's accusations are unconfirmed, it added. 

Rebels have previously attacked multinational fruit companies operating out of Mindanao.