Chinese pomelitos hit the market

Chinese pomelitos have made their first ever appearance on the European market.

This fruit is a 300-year-old cross between a baby pomelo and a mandarin origin, produced in the Zhejiang Province.

Switzerland-based group Uniagro has entered a joint venture with a Chinese partner to bring in an estimated six million tonnes, with the first shipments arriving in Rotterdam the market last month. The season will last until May.

The fruit should be peeled like a pomelo, to remove both the outer and segment skin.

Uniagro UK director Phil Morris told FPJ: “Following a very successful response to the fruit at Fruit Logistica, we are now in talks with a number of retailers, with REWE in Germany and Spar in Austria among the first to order.

“Pomelitos do not have UK supermarket exposure as yet, but we are talking to a prepared processor that has links to many supermarkets in the UK.”

The supplier is in its third year of sending cherry oranges from the Jiangxi Province exclusively to Marks & Spencer, where they are sold as Tiny Tangerines.
