Eleventh Brammy Awards launched

The 11th Brammy Awards take place on July 23 recognising and rewarding the efforts of manufacturers, retailers, caterers and the food media.

The 2004 categories are Best Bramley Apple Pie (family), Best Bramley Apple Pie (individual), Bester other Bramley Pastry Product, Best Savoury Bramley Product, Best Innovative Bramley Product, Best Bramley Media Chef, Best Bramley Recipe Writer, Best Catering Organisation and Chairman’s Award.

Ian Mitchell, chairman of the Bramley Campaign, said: “This year marks the eleventh anniversary of the Brammy Awards and, in that time, the event has become a hugely popular part of the Bramley Campaign. Entries have grown year-on-year and this reflects the ever increasing number of new products using Bramley which have been developed.”

Meanwhile, nine students have been selected to compete in the cook-off finals of the New Ways With Bramley Competition. The finalists will be creating their dishes on June 24. The winner will receive £1,000 for themselves and £500 for their college, with two runners-up receiving £250 each.

The judges, who include celebrity chef Anthony Worrall Thompson, will be looking for innovative Bramley recipes which best demonstrate the taste of Bramley apples, that are well-presented and are practical for caterers to prepare within a reasonable budget. Mitchell added: “We were delighted with the wide range of sweet and savoury Bramley recipes demonstrating students’ creativity and understanding of Bramley’s unique qualities.”
