Bayer CropScience’s novel acaricide, Envidor, has been granted full clearance for use on apples and pears.
Bayer’s horticultural specialist Peter Newman said: "Envidor has become the cornerstone of pear sucker control programmes for Dutch and Belgian growers since its introduction there in 2006.
“Envidor has performed similarly well in grower and independent trials in the UK, and will be a valuable new tool in the armoury of top-fruit growers. The pear sucker threat has increased, especially since the loss of Mitac (amitraz).”
Now the approval has been granted, Bayer CropScience is pulling out the stops to get product to UK growers this spring. Envidor is expected to reach distributors' stores by late April, ahead of the key May timings for second-generation pear sucker eggs, and mussel scale "crawlers" - a resurgent pest in apples and pears.