The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is to change the advice given to consumers regarding the re-washing of pre-washed ready to eat leafy salads before consumption.
The Chilled Food Association (CFA) has welcomed the FSA’s decision to advise consumers it is unnecessary to re-wash such products. The CFA has long argued that re-washing ready-to-eat salads introduces the possibility of cross-contamination in the kitchen. Research has also suggested that additional washing of fresh produce provides little additional benefit in reducing contamination.
The FSA's recommendation was endorsed by the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) at its meeting on March 11. Published data and information provided by CFA enabled the FSA and ACMSF to review the evidence and decide its advice to consumers was no longer appropriate.
The decision took into account: the excellent safety record levels of ready-to-eat leafy salads; the industry’s implementation of strict controls to assure safety; produce safety being permanently assured by using the correct field controls to prevent contamination at source; washing mainly removing soil which harbours micro-organisms; and re-washing professionally pre-washed leaf not removing appreciably more micro-organisms.
CFA secretary general Kaarin Goodburn said: “We are very pleased that FSA advice is to be changed. Safety is CFA members’ first priority, and our members operate to the highest standards. We welcome the change in emphasis in FSA’s approach to recognising the key food-safety role of field hygiene to minimise potential for contamination at source. We call on FSA to support the introduction of such standards throughout the fresh produce supply chain, including herbs and wholesale.”