The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed government plans for a new toll road to run alongside the M6 between Birmingham and Manchester.
The FTA said that the route is heavily congested and the provision of a new road, albeit tolled, would be welcomed by UK industry operating goods vehicles.
The association admits that while a free road is desirable, so serious is the costs and delays caused by major congestion between Birmingham and Manchester that a toll road would be acceptable by UK industry.
The FTA remains concerned that the toll level is set so it offers value for money. The association said that lorry operators would be prepared to pay a toll that delivers a positive financial benefit, which is sadly not the case with the current M6 toll at £10 for lorries.
FTA external affairs director Geoff Dossetter said: “The fact that the government is looking positively at improving motorway capacity is great news for the industry… We simply must improve our key trade routes and this is a good first step.”