Recycling service providers servicing the hospitality and catering sector, including local authorities, are being invited to apply for funding of up to £67,000 to develop and expand their service to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for projects of between three and 12 months, as part of a new funding support scheme launched by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme).
Part of WRAP’s SME Recycling Programme, the new scheme is aimed at helping new and existing recycling service providers develop and expand services, primarily with the aim of enabling more SMEs to recycle.
Projects eligible for funding could include a combination of activities such as taking on extra staff to expand collection rounds, funding sales and marketing activity to sell the service to more businesses, or providing additional collection sacks and bins to reach more customers.
Applications to the scheme can be made via a downloadable funding support scheme application form at Initially applications will be accepted up to the start of the new financial year (April 2008), subject to availability of funds and successful applicants will also be expected to match 50 per cent of the total project costs in cash and/or in kind.
Liz Morrish, WRAP’s SME recycling programme manager, said: “Research has shown that many SMEs currently find it difficult to access appropriate recycling services for the waste materials they generate and the result is that much of their waste goes to landfill. The funding support scheme aims to encourage more recycling service providers to develop their services to meet the needs of SMEs, most of which are keen to recycle.”