The Greenery has reported net profits after tax of 9.1 million euros for 2003. This is a rise of almost 20 per cent on 2002, when net profits reached 7.6m euros.
Operating results, however, fell 11m euros to 32m euros compared to the previous year. It is believed that increasing competition and the start of the supermarket price war placed pressures upon margins.
The consolidated annual turnover rose to 1.57bn euros, while revenues from commissions and levies rose by 1m euros to reach 89m euros.
The Greenery has also looked to strengthen its commercial position, with retailers, various grower associations and group. The company has also recently opened a new distribution centre in Bleiswijk, which has the latest facilities.
At the beginning of 2004 the Greenery and Zaltbommel combined it mushroom activities. Although there are encouraging signs that this strategy is having a positive effect on results, plenty of effort will be need to sharpen the competitive edge in the future. The highest priority will be to intensify the relationship with growers.