Commercial attendees to the International Plant Protection Congress & Exhibition (IPPC) will have access to an unprecedented range of attractions at this year's event, says organiser, British Crop Production Enterprises (BCPE).
Running alongside the IPPC Congress, the BCPE's commercial events kick off with an opening night drinks reception giving exhibitors the opportunity to network with delegates and other exhibitors. The event will take place from October 15-18, at Glasgow's SECC.
“Exhibitors can invite their guests to meet them at the reception and, if they are pre-registered, they will be granted priority entrance to the event,” says BCPE chairman and exhibitions director, Dr Colin Ruscoe.
BCPE’s commercial seminars, sponsored by exhibitors and other organisations, will run from Tuesday to Thursday of the congress and will feature business and technical topics, in both the crop and non-crop sectors. Key subjects up for discussion include the role of crop protection product stewardship in agriculture and ‘Beyond agriculture - opportunities to diversify’. The latter will focus on the trends and opportunities in the growing non-crop sector.
This year generic chemical companies will be located in their own area in the hall and the successful format of meeting areas, a cyber cafe and exhibitors' lounge will all be retained. Hospitality suites hosted by more than 30 companies will be situated in major hotels in the area connected to the exhibition by a BCPE shuttle-bus service.
The Agrow Awards gala dinner and industry awards ceremony, co-sponsored by BCPE and Agrow, will be held at the Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, while outside the SECC's entrance, the CropLife International Road show will provide an interactive educational exhibition for all those interested in food and how it is produced.