The Fresh Prepared Salads Producer Group has launched a Salad Bag Art competition as part of this year’s ‘Bring on the Salads’ PR campaign.
The GfK NOP research, commissioned by The Fresh Prepared Salads Producer Group, discovered that 38 per cent of parents found that making a picture with food helps their children eat at mealtimes. This encouraged British salad growers to launch a competition to find the UK’s best Salad Bag Artist.
Through the competition youngsters are being invited to create a work of art from bagged salad leaves and other salad vegetables with the chance of winning a place on a cookery course and a weekend in London for their family.
To get the ball rolling and inspire youngsters to give Salad Bag Art a go, children’s TV presenter Mark Speight created a self-portrait out of bagged salad leaves and other vegetables. Carola Weymouth, who runs the Children’s Cookery School Cookie Crumbles, designed a healthy handbag and a ship. The Salad Bag Art Initiative forms part of a yearlong PR campaign.
Members of the Fresh Prepared Salad Producer Group, who supply washed and ready-to-eat salad packs to all the UK’s supermarkets include: Bakkavör, Nature’s Way Foods, Vitacress Salads, Kanes Foods, Florette and Nature’s Best.
Kip Winter-Cox from The Fresh Prepared Salads Producer Group said: “The continued aim of the ‘Bring on the Salads’ campaign is to encourage consumers to reach for a bag of salad at the supermarket, safe in the knowledge that it is a responsibly produced product and that they are making a healthy and tasty choice.”