The British Tomato Growers Association has announced the appointment of Dr Philip Morley as its technical officer.
Morley has been working in the tomato industry for many years, most recently as a Senior Technical Agronomist for one of the UK’s largest Tomato growers.
The appointment follows the recent retirement of Gerry Hayman who helped establish the organisation and who with Julie Woolley helped develop the TGA into one of the most active and influential grower associations in the UK.
Phil Morley said: “I am very excited about my new position within the British Tomato Growers Association and look forward to representing the interests of the TGA in this important technical capacity.
"My new role is complemented by the other work I am involved in within the UK produce industry which I am sure will bring added value and further contribute to the ongoing success of UK tomato growers”
The TGA provides a focal point for UK tomato growers and through the work of its members and a host of industry participants is looking forwards to a busy summer.
Events from the annual British Tomato week (21-27 May) to the BBC Good Food Show in June and a range of local shows around the country are all planned for 2012 as the organisation celebrates its 15th Anniversary.