The Soil Association (SA) has released its vision for 12 steps to a Sustainable Food 2012 Olympics - with organic food at the heart of the proposals.
Feeding the Olympics, released by the SA, environmental consultancy Sustain and the New Economics Foundation, has called on London to deliver the healthiest and greenest Games in terms of its catering, and has set out 12 key pointers to achieve this, outlined here:
• The Food for Life targets of 75 per cent unprocessed, 50 per cent local and 30 per cent organic food should be set as a minimum standard for catering contracts
• Food outlets at the Olympics should be encouraged to use 100 per cent UK vegetables and 80 per cent UK seasonal fruit
• Some 65 per cent of the food sold should be vegetarian or vegan, with meat used sparingly in meat-based dishes. Some 100 per cent of meat and dairy products should be organic and from the UK
• Only fish from certified Marine Stewardship Council sources should be used
• All tea, coffee, chocolate and fruit and juice (where imported) should be Fairtrade certified
• There should be minimal food packaging, with all waste re-used, recycled or composted; 100 per cent composting of organic waste; and 100 per cent re-use or recycling of packaging
• Free drinking water fountains should be installed throughout all Olympic sites
• All possible avenues that would allow local, small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in catering activities during the construction phase and the Games themselves should be vigorously pursued
• Before and at the Games, there should be visible and engaging food marketing, that inspires and informs the public on the merits of healthy eating and its role in sports, an understanding of seasonal, local and organic produce available and the benefits of various eating habits for the local and global environment. This should include high-profile athletes promoting healthy and sustainable food
• All catering staff should be trained in preparing fresh and heathy dishes, and communicating this to their present and future customers, which will provide a sustainable catering legacy
• As part of the legacy of the Games, all residents in the new communities should have access to fresh, healthy and sustainable food within 500 metres
• Some 2,012 new food-growing spaces should be created across London, including community gardens and allotments.