Tom MacMillan

Tom MacMillan

The Soil Association has published a new strategy outling its priorities for the next decade emphasising innovation and “good food for all”.

In The Road to 2020 the organic certification body appears to place less emphasis on the term organic, often misunderstood by consumers, and focuses on “solutions that meet the needs of people for healthy food, fuel and fibre while protecting the natural world”.

There is also new emphasis on innovation, to ensure research is translated quickly into practice and policy.

Dr Tom MacMillan, executive director of the Food Ethics Council will take up the new post of director of innovation at the association at the end of this year to lead that work.

MacMillan said: "It has been a tremendous privilege to work for the Council through a period when the need and demand for the organisation’s work has been rising steeply. The past few years have seen us break new ground with projects like the Food and Fairness Inquiry and the Food Issues Census, launch our magazine and Business Forum, and win the Derek Cooper prize at the BBC Food and Farming Awards. With a strong team, a committed network of expert members and ongoing support, the charity is well-placed achieve even more.

“I’m really excited to taking on a new role that will allow me to use so much of what I’ve learned at the Food Ethics Council. My brief will be to strengthen the Soil Association’s approach to scientific research, the use of evidence and developing best practice, within a bold new strategy that refocuses on promoting innovation and social justice.”

The Food Ethics Council is on the hunt to replace MacMillan.
