The UK “desperately needs more Cameo apple growers” the chairman of English Apples and Pears has told FPJ.
Speaking at the Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin, Adrian Barlow said the apple’s characteristics suit a large proportion of the population and its potential is being overlooked.
“We don’t have the sufficient growers to supply the market for as long as we would like,” he said.
“We have got a good proportion of the multiples stocking Cameo, the key retailers, and there’s potential to go wider but we need to persuade people to grow. I think the new clones will play a major role.”
“In the USA there is good production but they are very happy supplying themselves.”
He said there are trials of growing Cameo in Chile but they need to plant more to confirm if it can be consistent. If so, Barlow hopes Chile can supply Cameo to the UK outside of the British growing season.
Barlow said a lot of growers were planting Braeburn and Gala as sales of Cox have declined.
“We’re very keen to make sure they choose the right partner who will deliver but it’s still early days,” he said.
He also repeated Ross Goatham’s recent comments to the FPJ that the UK is producing too much Cox.
“Gala and Braeburn now represent around 50 per cent of British apple sales while Granny Smith and Golden Delicious are now less than 20 per cent,” he said.
“Cox doesn’t look as vibrant. The natural marks put off customers who buy with their eyes and not their taste buds. We should be producing 10 -15 per cent less Cox.”