Raising the profile of the Isafruit project is a key concern for Warwick HRI, a department of the University of Warwick.
The €13.8 million (£11m), EU integrated research project aims to improve health by increasing fruit consumption in Europe.
It began in January 2006 and will run until the summer of 2010.
Though Isafruit is at an early stage, Sharon Hall, Warwick HRI’s communications officer, says a lot of research has already been completed. “A good, overall picture is developing, and there will be something for everyone involved in the supply chain,” she said.
The Warwick HRI stand enjoyed a sound response at Re:fresh 2008. “It’s good for companies to see a link between research, academia and industry,” said Warwick HRI’s Ruth Ashfield.
“We're trying to raise the profile of the role that research and development plays within the fresh produce industry. By demonstrating that research isn't a closed box, we can utilise the knowledge for the benefit of the sector."
The department reported much interest in its MSc Enterprise in Horticulture - a course designed for those seeking a career in business involved in growing, supplying and marketing fresh horticultural produce in a world market, said Hall.