Stephanie Moon

Stephanie Moon

Yorkshire chef Stephanie Moon is teaming up with deliciouslyorkshire, to encourage the use and consumption of regional produce by consumers and the hospitality industry, especially up-and-coming chefs.

Moon, named deliciouslyorkshire champion 2009-10 at its annual award ceremony in November, will also focus her efforts on helping smaller food and drink businesses realise their potential, such as co-ordinating courses on how to become AA accredited.

The role will also involve Moon having a greater input into the deliciouslyorkshire awards and performing cookery demonstrations at deliciouslyorkshire workshops and food shows.

Moon, who also works as consultantcChef at Rudding Park and chef tutor at Leeds City College, recently won Bronze at the final of the prestigious British Culinary Federation Chef of the Year Awards.

She said: “Championing regional ingredients and producers is something that’s very close to me, not only because it affects the quality of the food I produce, but because regional food comes with so many other benefits, such as helping the regional economy and securing a future for great British produce.

“I already work very closely with deliciouslyorkshire as we are both dedicated to the same causes. It is a huge personal aim to put regional food back on the menu and I feel that this is the perfect platform.”

deliciouslyorkshire is the campaigning brand for the Regional Food Group for Yorkshire and Humber.