
Exports of cherries from Argentina are anticipated to rise by 30 per cent this season to more than 4,000 tonnes, according to a report by Diario de Río Negro.

Total production is forecast to reach 10,200 tonnes for the 2011/12 season, the report said, which translates into a 13 per cent growth compared with 2010/11 and a 40 per cent increase on the average volume for the last five years.

Of that total, the local market – which continues to be the leading outlet for Argentinean cherries – will absorb 65 per cent of the crop, with the remaining 35 per cent destined for the external market.

The Río Negro and Neuquén regions are projected to account for 1,390 tonnes of the export crop (up 35 per cent on last season), while Mendoza will remain the biggest supplier, representing over 1,700 tonnes.