spinach leafy greens

Ready Pac Foods has sponsored a symposium on the sustainability of organic spinach, hosted by The United Vegetable Growers Cooperative.

The event was held on 24 June in Seaside, California and spotlighted the growing threat of downey mildew to organic spinach yields to help raise awareness within the industry and among fresh-cut produce consumers.

During the symposium’s state of the industry address, a panel of experts presented options to address issues and needs to improve prevention practices going forward.

The organic produce industry continues to grow, and organic spinach commands a large share of that market. However, due to invasive downey mildew, growers have not been able to meet consumer need this season, despite overplanting by 10-30 per cent to meet intensified demands.

Organic spinach yields are down to 50 per cent, and scientists predict the situation will only worsen.