
A growers’ organisation in south-eastern Spain is calling for a quality label for almonds from the region of Murcia.

Asaja Murcia secretary-general Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca said there is a need for the industry to work together to gain the label.

Murcia is a major producer of nuts and dried fruit with an average annual output over the last 10 years of approximately 30,000 tonnes – some 20 per cent of the Spanish national production figure –while the area under production is 70,000ha, about 16 per cent of total area under these crops in Spain.

'There is a shortfall of almonds in the EU market, which relies on imports,' said Gálvez. 'The problem in the sector is that while demand is very concentrated, the offer is extremely fragmented and clearly that is prejudicial to profitability in the industry.

“Achieving greater unity is a top priority that is fundamental to defending prices in the sector that will enable it to become altogether more viable,' he added.

Asaja Murcia believes that a quality marque will protect the region’s indigenous almonds and allow it to promote its product among consumers.

Gálvez also highlighted the importance of the industry to environmental sustainability: 'The almond sector is highly productive and carries out an extraordinary social and environmental role in wider agriculture. It is a driver of employment but also helps combat soil erosion and the risk of desertification that threatens more marginal areas of our region.'