
Nergi kiwiberries are set to benefit from their greater availability when they hit shelves this autumn, with over 1m packs now available between the start of September and November.

Marketed since 2013 by Primland in France and Fruitworld in the Netherlands, Nergi is grown on over 150ha, predominantly in the southwest of France, but also in Portugal, Italy and the Netherlands.

In 2014, 600,000 units (in 125g packs) were sold in Europe, compared with 150,000 units the year before. This year, 1m units are predicted to be sold, and 2m units by 2016.

“Given this production potential and the fruit’s huge popularity, new producers have joined Nergi in this adventure in order to diversify their business,” the company said. “Nergi producers’ main targets are markets where berry fruit consumption is the most dynamic, including France, Germany, Italy, Benelux and the UK.”

A programme of in-store events and tastings has apparently been organised, while recipes have been created by French blogger and chef Anne Demay. Online communication will include advertising on food websites and Facebook, an Instagram account in Germany and a YouTube channel in Italy, while street events in France, Italy and Germany will also promote the brand.