Key Technology, the leading designer and manufacturer of process automation systems, has launched its newly redesigned AVSealer for packaging fresh-cut produce to seal a variety of produce bag sizes.

The new machinery features a 'true temperature' control system which assures a consistent sealing temperature to maximise packaging quality by eliminating burn through and unreliable seals.

Additionally, the new temperature control element reduces energy use and allows for faster heat sealing, the group said in a statement, with bags of up to 470mm wide sealed at the rate of four to six bags per minute with vacuum and eight bags per minute without.

'The PLC-controlled AVSealer maximises production flexibility while offering simple operation and consistent performances,' the group said. 'With fewer moving parts then competitive heat sealing machines and a low-maintenance venturi vacuum system, the AVSealer provides years of trouble-free operation. The heater control logic assures consistent sealing under variable conditions.'

Other features of the sealer include adjustable user programmes to set vacuum pressure, gas flush, heat sealing temperature and seal time to package a wide range of products from salads and vegetable to herbs.