UK vegetables

Spanish fresh produce marketing organisation Anecoop has created, together with Almerian cooperatives Coprohnijar, Hortamar and Camposol, a new sales venture that is being aimed at more effectively concentrating and marketing its vegetables offer.

In a statement, Anecoop said that it was hoped that the new – as yet unnamed – initiative would improve sales results and the income of its partner cooperatives in the southern province of Almería, as well as increasing their client base and awareness of their brands.

Coprohnijar president Antonio García Padilla, who is also heading up the new venture, said that the project would allow the companies to develop new sales programmes for vegetables, while also enabling them to standardise their quality systems.

According to Anecoop’s president, Juan Safont, the project will lead to the “better management of the production and marketing” of the group’s vegetables.

The sales venture, he said, was in effect “a reply from growers and cooperatives that have learnt from the economic crisis and are taking the necessary steps to maintain their competitive position in the market”.