A new Biobest DVD entitled ‘Whiteflies and their Natural Enemies’ is now available from Agralan.
The film aims to improve growers’ knowledge of pests and details the life cycle of whiteflies and their natural enemies, including Encarsia Formosa and Eretmocerus Eremicus.
The DVD is the third in the series from Biobest and previously released DVDs, Spidermite and their Natural Enemies and Aphids and their Natural Enemies, are also available from Agralan.
Biobest now plan to release further educational DVDS, which will examine pests such as thrips, leafminer, mealy bug and their natural enemies.
Agralan is the only UK distributor of Biobest products and also markets Biobest Bumblebees and biological controls. The control of insect pests, without the use of pesticides by the introduction of natural predators into the crop, is a well-established practice. The technique is widely used on protected salad, ornamental and soft-fruit crops and has led to a major reduction in pesticide use and residues.