Ex-JLS star is working with brassica brand to encourage more scratch cooking

Tenderstem is working with former JLS singer-turned-farmer JB Gill to inspire Brits to cook more.

Gill has created a series of ‘Tenderstem Suppertime Sonnets’ to “inject passion back into our mealtimes” through recipes in the form of Shakespearean sonnets.

The move follows a survey of 2,000 people showing that nearly a third (29 per cent) of Brits cook the same six dishes on rotation and a quarter (25 per cent) admit they’re too lazy to search for new recipes. A fifth (22 per cent) are reluctant to try something different.

Over a quarter (26 per cent) no longer feel inspired to cook something new.

Gill said: ”I’ve learnt so much since entering the farming industry and I’m continuing to learn. One thing that’s stuck with me is the time and care farmers put into the land, and how important producers and growers are. I think it’s time we brought a bit of that excitement and love back into the cooking process once it leaves the farm. 

”Tenderstem Suppertime Sonnets may serve as an unusual way to spark inspiration but that’s the beauty of it and the perfect way to excite the nation with new recipe ideas.”

Tenderstem fans can listen to the ‘Suppertime Sonnets’ on Spotify here.