Rijk Zwaan UK is offering a new range of organic seeds with a host of resistances, which are hoped to be suitable for specialist organic growers.
The company has been working towards the launch of this range of organically produced vegetable seeds since 1992. The seeds fully meet the organic seed requirements as recognised by all the UK and European certification bodies.
The new varieties have been thoroughly tested and offer the growers the latest advances in pest and disease resistance, as well as combining superior taste and shelf life. Among the lines included are; beans, beetroot, fennel, spinach, leeks, carrot, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes and lettuce.
In order to evaluate the best varieties the company has a dedicated trial site in Germany as well as demonstration sites in the Netherlands and the UK. Since 1994 Rijk Zwaan has been busy finding dedicated organic seed productions areas, new seed cleaning and packaging facilities. It can now offer a full range of varieties, all produced organically.
The company is registered by SKAL (Stichting Kontrolle Aternatieve Landbouw) for products (seeds) and the process (seed cleaning, sorting and packing). SKAL is a European control organisation founded by the Dutch farming ministry and is accepted by the European Community. It is responsible for regulating seed production throughout Europe. The SKAL control organisation is responsible for the certification and the regulatory control of the companies which produce organic seeds.
Andrew Henderson, organic specialist at Rijk Zwann, said: “Our organic seeds have been commercially available since 1998 and we are looking to further develop this market for the coming year. Traditional organic growers are taking the bull by the horns and the market is in good shape.”
Rijk Zwaan's seed production is guaranteed under the biological quality mark and is recognised across Europe. In addition to offering precision or normal organic seed the company can also offer other seed types. An example of this is lettuce in an organic split pill to make sowing or drilling easier.
The company aims to produce quality seeds to allow growers to produce vegetables suited to organic production while maintaining taste, texture and appearance.