Veg UK managing director Julian Pitts is among a group of friends driving to Valencia’s tomato festival to raise money for charity.
The group, dubbed the Mini Red Arrows, come from a range of different backgrounds and drive their eight red Mini Coopers and one Ferrari in support of good causes. Last year they re-enacted The Italian Job, driving 1,500 miles through France to Turin and back, raising £4,500 for mental health charity Talk It Out.
This month the Mini Red Arrows will be taking an eight-day road trip, loaded with English tomatoes, to the famous La Tomatina festival in Spain. En route they will be promoting English tomatoes, completing challenges and raising awareness of PAPYRUS, a charity focused on preventing young suicide. The charity runs a confidential helpline providing practical advice and support to young people contemplating killing themselves.
The group’s Mini Red Arrows Ketchup Run has set up a page to collect donations at, with a fundraing target of £3,000.