Pacific Fruits

Chinese plant health authorities have authorised new Colombian Hass avocado farms and packhouses to export to China in 2021.

A total of eight areas in the departments of Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, and Quindio have been authorised this year, according to a report in Agronegocios.

Deyanira Barrero Leon, general manager of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), highlighted the strength of the Colombian phytosanitary monitoring and control systems.

“The Chinese market is a priority for us because of the great future possibilities it presents for Colombian exports. That's why we work as a team from farm to farm with small, medium, and large producers, to provide them with more opportunities to market their products,” she said.

The ICA continues to work with the entire Colombian Hass avocado chain so that producers have access to high-quality genetic plant material.

Together, the Ministry of Agriculture, ICA, and avocado organisation CorpoHass work with around 15,000 registered producers to meet the strict sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of Hass avocado crops to increase the number of production sites that are free from fruit fly.