
The first new season cherries from Chile have landed in China. A 9-tonne consignment arrived in the market this week, according to iQonsulting.

Prices for Jumbo and Super Jumpo Early Bing and Brooks are reported to be between US$163 and US$188 per 5kg box, somewhat higher than during the same period of 2013/14. South African cherries are selling for US$120-130 per 5kg.

To date, most production areas have escaped the frosts which impacted on last year’s early crop and although no official estimates have been released, the early indications suggest output could nudge 100,000 tonnes.

According to Cristián Benavente of Ranco Cherries fruitset has been even which suggests a good quality crop. “The start of the winter was somewhat mild and this was followed by very cold conditions in June and July. Temperatures during the early spring have been erratic but now the mercury is rising which explains why trees are not overladen,” he said.

Once again, the Chilean Cherry Committee has far reaching promotional programme lined up that will focus not only on the major conurbations but also on China’s second-tier cities. “A key objective this season is to push further into China, but this isn’t just about stimulating demand,” said Cristobal Duke of Huertos Collipulli. “We also need to find ways of overcoming the logistical challenges of reaching these markets.”