Nitrocode AZ+

Grupo Kimitec’s Agrocode subsidiary has announced the launch of Nitrocode AZ+, an innovative product designed to aid production of vegetables.

Nitrocode AZ+ ia an innovative bacterial inoculant based on Azospirillum technology that has been designed to boost growth of all types of vegetables, helping producers get the most out of their crops, whatever the ground conditions may be.

The product, which works by increasing the production of natural hormones in plants, can boost production by between 13 per cent and 32 per cent depending on crop and cultivation conditions, according to the group.

Once applied to plants, Nitrocode AZ+ stimulates growth by taking atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and converting it into biological nitrogen (NH4+), while also stimulating plants to synthesise natural phytohormones; all of which help contribute towards plant and root growth.