
Mexican exporter-importer Cocanmex is looking to consolidate a position on the fresh coconut market in Europe in response to “very high” demand for coconut water.

“We are seriously entering the European market with coconut water in the freshest way possible,” managing director Salvador Martínez told Americafruit, Asiafruit and Eurofruit.

“We have a new format; we’re selling the coconuts perforated with a small hole (through which to drink the water) and pre-cut around the middle so you the fruit can be cut in half afterwards.”

The new format will also be sold with a plastic knife to add extra value and therefore marketed as a premium product.

Martínez claims European consumers are willing to pay around €4-5 for bottled coconut water, while Cocanmex will sell its coconuts on the market for around €5 per unit.

The export programme will begin in Germany but the group has already received interest from Spain, Poland and Africa, as well as Asia for whole coconuts.

Cocanmex also expects to introduce the value-added product to the US in the near future after already sending some samples and contacting a buyer.

The full report will be published in the May issue of Eurofruit.

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