Avocados from Mexico 2018 Super Bowl advert

The Avocados from Mexico marketing group, the first fresh produce brand to run a commercial during the Super Bowl in the US, was at it again this year with minute-long spot emphasising the versatility of the fruit.

The advert, called 'Bubble Dome Riot', adopted a 'biological preserve' theme, with residents occupying what is thought to be a perfect world inside a glass structure - including mounds of Mexican avocados.

However, chaos ensues when residents spot that the 'chips' – or crisps – have been left outside of the dome, leaving them with nothing to dip in their Avocados from Mexico guacamole.

The solution? The leader of the dome showcases the versatility of avocados, highlighting a range of different uses such as avocado on toast, placating the residents –until they discover the WiFi is down!

Television commercials aired during the Super Bowl are some of the most expensive in the world, with NBC Sports executive vice-president for sales Dan Lovinger telling Sports illustrated last week that a 30-second spot would average more than US$5m during the National Football League's showpiece event.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube