Anecoop Bouquet logo

Spanish fresh produce marketer Anecoop is giving away 3,000 free watermelon slices to pilgrims from across the globe visiting Madrid during the pope’s visit to the city as part of a week-long religious festival.

The Valencia-based cooperative is handing out ready-to-eat, individually wrapped potions of Bouquet-branded watermelons during the Spanish capital’s World Youth Week, which takes place from 16-21 August.

Anecoop is carrying out the promotion, which forms part of its ‘Cultivamos Futuro’ (‘Sowing the Future’) publicity campaign, in conjunction with Asomafrut, the association of wholesalers from Madrid’s Central Fruit Market.

The company estimates that it will hand out more than 30 tonnes of free fruit during the festival, which it said would help pilgrims to cope with the “suffocating heat” that the Spanish capital is currently experiencing.