Anecoop solar power facility

Spanish cooperative organisation Anecoop has opened a new €3m solar power centre at a Valencian packhouse, which will be capable of powering not only the facility but could also provide electricity to more than 300 homes.

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy to increase its usage of renewable energy, Anecoop together with Valencian energy agency AVEN has installed solar panels – each capable of generating 1,000kw – on the roof of the packhouse, located in the town of Torrent.

In a statement, Anecoop said the solar power centre, which will be capable of generating more than 1.63m kw per year, could in addition to powering the packhouse, supply electricity to 307 households in a clean, renewable form.

Anecoop president Juan Safont said: “At Anecoop, we take into account the fact that energy costs are those which ultimately carry most weight when it comes to calculating production costs.

“Our strategy is to optimise consumption to achieve greater competitiveness, so in this sense initiatives that provide more energy efficiency are convenient and necessary for the company.”