ICOP 2011 meeting delegates

The organisers of the 7th International Conference of Producer Organisations (ICOP) – a key event in the fresh produce industry calendar – have confirmed the dates and location of this year's event.

Representatives of fresh fruit and vevgetable producer organisations, as well as other key players and experts in the sector, will meet on 20-21 November 2012 at the Committe of the Regions building in central Brussels for the annual meeting, which is organised by Austrian consultancy Gfa and its partners AMCAustria, DPA, VBT, Cogeca and Areflh.

Eurofruit, the international marketing magazine for fresh produce buyers in Europe, has also been confirmed as one of ICOP's official media partners for 2012.

The conference and networking event aims to provide producer organisation in the fruit and vegetable business an opportunity to meet, collaborate and cooperate, according to Kerstin Ulz, consultant at Gfa.

'ICOP offers this possibility and is a platform for networking, the exchange of experience and the discussion of political questions concerning the sector,' she commented. 'Every year representatives from a wide range of European countries attend this conference.'