A new digital campaign recognising the role of the agricultural sector in keeping Spain fed during the coronavirus crisis has been launched today.
The #EstePaísLoAlimentamosUnidos (We feed this country together) campaign, which brings together thousands of fruit and vegetable producers from across the country, is designed to demonstrate the unity and social commitment of the agri-food sector and highlight the vital work it is doing during these challenging times.
Proexport and its member companies, who are behind the initiative, said it offered a chance to show solidarity with producers.
“By joining the campaign we want to show our appreciation to all companies, farmers, workers in the Region of Murcia and Spain in their daily work and in the strict monitoring of protection measures against the spread of COVID-19,” the association said.
“Their daily work is essential in guaranteeing the food supply of the Spanish and European population during this health crisis.”
The #EstePaísLoAlimentamosUnidos campaign was launched today, 3 April on social media.
“We invite all of society to share this action on their social networks, which will serve as a stimulus for everyone who works day by day providing healthy food to millions of families who remain confined at home,” Proexport said.