In the US, a move to encourage healthier eating in schoolchildren is underway with the launch of The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Snack Programme, a project that will see free fresh produce distributed at schools across the country.
United Fresh Produce Association vice-president of nutrition and health Lorelei DiSogra and New York Apple Association president Jim Allen were present as the programme kicked off at North Rose Elementary School in New York.
We are ecstatic about taking this programme to as any new schools in as many states as possible, but I am nonetheless struck at how enthusiastic the kids here at North Rose elementary are about their fresh fruit and vegetables,' Mr DiSogra said. 'This event is especially rewarding because United Fresh, New York Apple Association and other United Fresh members fought hard for nationwide expansion of the school snack programme.'
The state's schools have been allocated US$1.7m to implement the programme during the 2008/09 school year, as a result of the 2008 Farm Bill which expanded it to cover all 50 US states following successful tests in pilot schools.