Granny Smith apple orchard

Spanish biotech company Sanifruit has launched a chemical-free solution for apples and pears to cut fruit losses and reduce scalding and internal browning while maintaining fruit quality and extending its shelf-life, thereby helping companies to improve their profitability and access markets with restrictive MRLs.

According to Sanifruit, the solution had achieved excellent results in trials conducted in different countries with different weather conditions over the past two years. It said the application process can be easily integrated into the packing line.

CEO Javier Biel said: '2022 will be a very interesting year for the fresh produce sector and exciting for the company, since we will be able to make available to more and more packing houses, chem-free treatments for their fruits and vegetables.

“Since the beginning of our journey, providing effective chem-free treatments has been our goal and it is exciting to see how step by step these goals and challenges are being met.

“We start the year with the launch of our pome fruit solution, but there are still many new features to be announced that we are proud of and that our innovation department has been working on. Stay tuned!”