
KisanHub’s platform allows fresh produce firms to reduce their carbon footprint through data-driven decisions

Sustainability is fast becoming a priority in agriculture and a digital revolution in the sector has the potential to benefit both business and planet. The race is on to create a more efficient food production system that can provide us with nutritious, affordable produce, while having a neutral or positive impact on the environment. By embracing the latest technology, fresh produce companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, minimise waste and make data-driven decisions that will help grow their business.

Smart farm management technology is already helping growers to improve yield and quality. Analysis of operational data across the supply chain helps producer groups reduce food waste, cut down on unnecessary carbon dioxide emissions and minimise the use of pesticides and water during production.

The greatest insights come from an integrated approach to supply management. When agronomic, inventory and procurement data can be aggregated and analysed as one central ‘source of truth’, growers, procurement and commercial teams can all make better decisions with a joined-up view of predicted supply versus current demand.

With additional data-driven insights, producer groups can review and streamline their operations to meet their sustainability targets. Smart management supply software enables them to:

- Reduce travel by monitoring crops remotely, thereby lowering carbon emissions.

- Capture data at the source – sharing it, analysing it and using it to make smarter decisions.

- Optimise yield and quality – reducing the chance of rejected crop and thereby reducing waste.

- Optimise pesticide use through recommended pest and disease models.

- Remove paper from the supply chain – this doesn’t just save trees, it also improves accuracy throughout the distribution process.

KisanHub is transforming the fresh produce industry with a supply management platform capable of collecting, standardising and aggregating crop data. We support our customers with better data, which reduces waste and production costs as well as minimising rejections at the packhouse.

As a business, we are committed to serving the food supply chain and have a shared mission to build effective solutions to feed a global population of nine billion by 2050.

No more spreadsheets, no more guesswork – just fast access to the latest supply chain data for smarter decision making. With complex supply and procurement data in one place it’s possible to streamline supply chains to reduce waste, lower carbon emissions and enjoy more commercial opportunities with greater predictability of quality, yield, and delivery schedules.

From seed to sale, KisanHub’s supply management platform helps to connect people with the data they need to meet their sustainability targets. Modules include:


Satellite imagery and weather reports to enable producer groups and their growers to reduce field visits by car, and even by air travel.


Manage stock more efficiently to avoid fresh produce going out of date, thereby resulting in less waste. Intuitive dashboards provide full visibility on what to move out first, and what’s coming in next.


Compare test results with quality thresholds for a wide range of customers to find a market for all grades of fresh produce and therefore avoid waste.


KisanHub is paperless from end to end. Paperless Load Passports digitally transfer load details and contract information to ERP systems at the packhouse.

Contact KisanHub to find out more