Levity CropScience

Levity CropScience has new markets in Ghana and West Africa

Fertiliser manufacturer Levity CropScience has received its first order from banana growers in Ghana for its new Tropical Albina product.

The order follows a successful trial that helped increase yields and quality of banana crops during stress periods, Levity said, and helps the plant better resist fungal diseases like Sigatoka. As well as Ghana, the company will also start exporting to banana farms in other West African markets.

Ghana produces around 3.7 million tonnes of bananas a year but it also suffers from Saharan winds that cause stress to crops such as bananas.

Managing director David Marks said: “We’re excited to be adding Ghana to our ever-growing list of export countries. Tropical Albina will give growers across Ghana the ability to produce greater banana yields that are resilient to disease and the harsh Saharan winds that sweep across the country.

“All of the products are developed by ourselves and engineered to get the maximum quality, life span and yield for users. Levity products are specially designed to help crops excel in dry and challenging climates.”

Based in Lancashire, Levity specialises in creating fertilisers for potatoes, soft fruit, topfruit, cacao, protected and leafy vegetable crops.