Tony Bilsborough and Noel Goulding - 5IVEADAYWAY event co-ordinators.

If you want to define the term ‘5 A DAY anoraks’ then Noel and I probably fit the description very well!

We believe beyond any doubt that the promotion of healthy eating and increasing the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables is a win-win situation: great for growers, wholesalers, retailers, the NHS and the general public.

Healthy eating can improve behaviour, self-esteem and quality of life.

Fresh fruit and vegetables have a major part to play in all of that.

We come into contact with many growers and fresh produce suppliers and have helped to raise the profile of local growers under the 5 A DAY banner.

They are all in favour of the 5 A DAY message and they are aware of the impact that increased national consumption would have on their businesses.

Over the years we have been involved with many events in schools to promote healthy eating. It is these experiences that have helped us to develop new fresh produce events for schools - under the banner of 5IVEADAYWAY. We work with local health workers and the fresh produce sector in the area, creating events to promote fresh produce to fit around the school day.

We have seen many benefits from what we are doing. Many head teachers use our event as a catalyst to launch a campaign of healthy eating in their schools, which continues long after we have gone.

Some have built it into the year seven curriculum and invite us back year after year. That converts into fresh produce sales in local stores and, more importantly, healthier students.

The work we are doing in schools gives fresh produce businesses the opportunity to get involved in delivering the 5 A DAY message.

However, there are many other healthy eating projects taking place around the country and we would encourage everyone in the fresh produce sector to get involved somehow.