The Valencia-based cooperative produces around 7,000 tonnes of citrus and persimmons annually

Alzira, Valencia-based Alzicoop has joined Green Fruits, the second-tier cooperative set up in 2018 by the union of Coopego, Novacitrus and Cooperativa Citrícola La Safor, with the later addition of Copal.

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It will add around 4,000 tonnes of citrus and 3,000 tonnes of persimmon production to the group, bringing its total output to almost 120,000 tonnes of citrus, persimmon and avocados, the latest addition to its product line-up.

“The integration of Alzicoop will give even more weight to this autumn fruit in the product portfolio of the second-tier cooperative, which is based in Oliva and has closed the 2021/22 financial year with a marketing volume of 110,000 tonnes,” said Anecoop, the cooperative grouping to which all of Green Fruits’ members belong.

Anecoop strongly supports the closer integration of its member cooperatives, seeing it as a vital for achieve greater competitiveness.