Bell peppers

Netherlands-based Best Fresh Group has announced the launch of a new fresh produce brand, named 'Icons', which it says will feature a 'unique collection of fruit and vegetables in totally renewed packaging'.

In a statement, the company said that the assortment of 'best of the season' fresh produce would showcase 'the most beautiful and, most importantly, tastiest fruit and vegetables'.

A key element of the brand will be the presence of a QR code, with a unique number, colour and related name on every pack, which will allow consumers to access online information about each product.

'We challenged ourselves and wanted to go beyond a new name and colour setting,' said Best Fresh Group director Mart Valstar. 'We are proud of our premium assortment and therefore dare to ask feedback from our clients.'

The first Icons range will include the Tomberry, a sweet pointed pepper, sweet mangoes, cherry tomatoes and a full assortment of berries.