Compagnie Fruitière

French banana producer and importer Compagnie Fruitière has formed a partnership with Unicef France to finance a school programme for young girls in Senegal, in West Africa, where the company produces cherry tomatoes.

In four big supermarket promotions between now and July 2009, Compagnie Fruitière will donate to Unicef up to two euro cents per kilogram of fruit sold. As the campaign’s slogan goes, “1 kilo of fruit bought = 1 smile gained by a child in Africa“. A sum of €55,000 has already been donated, according to the company.

“The programme,” explained the company’s Aurélien Fidon, 'is designed to help young children go to school and gain access to clean drinking water and live in more sanitary conditions. The programme will reach 50 schools in the country.”

In Senegal, the company has created Grands Domaines du Sénégal, a greenhouse facility for the cultivation of cherry tomatoes. Following its philosophy of respect for the environment and people, Compagnie Fruitière has set up a number of projects to improve education and health in the region, as it does for all its production areas in Africa.