President Josep Vicent Salort said the results are testament to the success of the cooperative model

Green Fruits, the second-degree Valencian citrus cooperative, saw sales jump by almost 12 per cent to €55m in 2022/23, despite a decrease in volumes. Profits reached €1.4m for the period. The group said the strong results were proof of the synergies generated by the integration of its member cooperatives.

Valencia Citrus Green Fruits

Presenting the results at its AGM, Green Fruits – who is Anecoop’s main citrus partner – also reported a 6 per cent increase in returns to its to grower members. The group said this were due to more efficient management and cost reduction.

Green Fruits was created in 2018 by the union of three Valencian citrus companies – Cooperativa Citrícola de La Safor, SAT Novacitrus and Cooperativa Agrícola de Pego. Since then, two further cooperatives have joined the group, Copal and Alzicoop.

In June 2023, Green Fruits signed a collaboration agreement with Soex2 to market the latter’s production of Clemenules clementines. The deal means Green Fruits now markets close to 115,000 tonnes of fruit annually, mostly made up of oranges and mandarins. It has also allowed Green Fruits to diversify its product range, introducing persimmons and avocados to its line-up.

“Being able to present these results despite the geopolitical situation, inflationary trends or the consequences of climate change in agriculture is the best defence of cooperativism,” said Josep Vicent Salort, president of Green Fruits. “It draws a promising scenario for this model. If these are the results obtained in adverse circumstances, what will we not be able to achieve with a more promising scenario?”

Echoing this view, Anecoop president Alejandro Monzón said: “It gives us pride to assist in the success of our partners; It represents the confirmation of a model that achieves economic viability without giving up its commitment to its community”.